
Entries for June 2013

WCS National Staff Invited to Inter- national Symposium and Training Events

Views: 2621
(June 27, 2013) In October 2013, three WCS Malagasy staffs were invited by the International Union for Con- servation of Nature, the French Marine Protected Area Agency, and the Western Indian Ocean Ma- rine Science Association (WIOMSA) to share their hands-on experience in implementing communi- ty-driven field marine conservation at the third International Marine Protected Area Congress (IMPAC3) in Marseille and at the eighth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in Maputo. WCS is grateful to the Prince Alber...


New Project Funded by Helmsley Charitable Trust

Views: 2940
(June 18, 2013) The Masoala National Park (a World Heritage site), Makira Natural Park, and Antongil Bay comprise the epicenter of Madagascar's unique biodiversity. Known as MaMaBay, this land/seascape encompasses more than one million hectares of land and sea in the north- eastern region of the country and contains the largest remaining tract of pristine eastern rainforest in Madagascar as well as man- groves and coral reef habitats along Antongil Bay, Madagascar's largest bay and world- famous as...


New Project Funded by The European Union

Views: 2589
(June 11, 2013) In October 2012, WCS in partnership with GRET (a French development NGO), PCDDBA (a local association) and Madagascar National Parks, started a new project funded by the European Union, whose objective is to con- tribute to food security and poverty reduction for effective preservation of natural resources in and around the Mananara National Park (NE Madagascar). The proposed action will contribute to improved livelihoods and resil- ience of vulnerable populations living in pe- ripheral areas of...