
Entries for September 2011

Communication campaign on Salary Bay MPA

Views: 3580
Communication campaign on Salary Bay MPA
(September 01, 2011) WCS is supporting the implementation of Salary Bay MPA. In order to raise awareness on sustain- able fishery management and increase local community empowerment in the implementation of the MPA several outreach activities were con- ducted. These included the organization in Octo- ber 2011 of the festival “Tontolo andriake voaa- ro lovasoa tsy lany” (“protected marine world, inexhaustible legacy”). In September 2011, local theater groups developed and produced a play in...


Mitigate artisanal hunting pressure on coastal dolphins

Views: 2910
Mitigate artisanal hunting pressure on coastal dolphins
(September 01, 2011) In the southwest of Madagascar, traditional Vezo fishermen opportunistically hunt coastal dolphins for local consumption and sale of meat. Interviews of fishermen from the village of Anakao conducted sug- gest that over 6,000 dolphins were slaughtered be- tween 1985 and 2000, 57% of this occurring after 1995. Since 2007, community outreach work has been implemented to address this issue. In Septem- ber and October 2011, a series of consultations were conducted successively in the municip...


Communication campaign on Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs

Views: 2944
Communication campaign on Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs
(September 01, 2011) The awareness campaign on the process of estab- lishing Ankivonjy and An- karea MPAs use several communication tools such as: presentations during regional festivals, produc- tion of video and audio documentaries on the two MPAs, their weekly local radio and TV broadcasting, and village meetings


Scientific assessment of Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs

Views: 3284
Scientific assessment of Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs
(September 01, 2011) Another key step in the process of establishment of two resilient MPAs was taken when scientific baseline studies were conducted in November 2011. These studies included ecological and so- cial vulnerability assessments in order to identify relevant adaptive responses to climate change impacts within the design and man- agement plans of each MPA. During three weeks 6 national scientists (from WCS, IHSM, CNRO, Conservation International, and Antsira- nana University) and 4 oversea sc...


Creation of Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs Local Management Com- mittees

Views: 2942
Creation of Ankarea and Ankivonjy MPAs  Local Management Com- mittees
(September 01, 2011) In the process of establishment of a Marine Protected Area, the integration of all stakeholders is akeyto success.Thus, in the area of thetwo MPAs Ankivonjy (new name ofIranja Ankazoberavina-baie des Russes MPA) and Ankarea (new name ofNosyMitsio Tsarabanjina MPA), the identification and preliminarydiscussions with all stakeholders andusers have been conducted. Then representa-tives for each newly created MPA Local  Management Committee were elected in SeptemberandOctober 2011. Tr...


Fight against destructive illegal fishing practices

Views: 4082
Fight against destructive illegal fishing practices
(September 01, 2011) Since April of this year WCS has overseen the creation of five new coastal survey commit- tees around Antongil Bay. These community based committees are the front lines of defense against destructive and unsustainable resource management techniques. In collaboration with the National Survey Fishing Center (CSP), the committees enforce state regulations of fishing gear including those against ramikaoka or the practice of beach seine netting (where materials originally dispensed by the governme...