Views: 3803 | March 18, 2012
Increasing engagement of local communities in holistic ecosystem management is essential to long- term sustainable conservation efforts. Supporting good governance and increased local management capacity is critical to sustaining this process. In order for PCDDBA to achieve organizational sustain- ability and become more effective advocates for local issues, a study tour in Antananarivo, Fi- anarantsoa and Fenerive Est was organized from February 19 to March 7, 2012 with a delegation from Antongil Bay, composed of the PCDDBA Presi- dent and Vice President, two WCS staff and the Executive Secretary of Analanjirofo Regional Author- ity. The objectives for PCDDBA were to increase their visibility and enlarge their network of partners while learning from other community groups about organizational management and sustainability and effective communication and advocacy strategies. The Antananarivo meetings were held with UNDP, Ministry of Fisheries, Integrated Coastal Zone Man- agement (ICZM) National Committee, French Em- bassy (SCAC), Alliance Voahary Gasy, SAHA Pro- gram, GAPCM (Groupement des Aquaculteurs et Pêcheurs de Crevettes de Madagascar). The Fi- anarantsoa and Ranomafana meetings were held with CMP (Comité Multilocal de Planification). CMP is
a multi-stakeholder platform created in 1999. It brings together groups working on environment and development issues to promote collaborative ecore- gional planning. Discussions with CMP members and field visits were a great source of inspiration for PCDDBA. In Fenerive Est, a consultative workshop was held with regional authorities and partners in- volved in marine and coastal activities. This work- shop was an opportunity to communicate about PCDDBA’s mission, needs and achievements, and strengthen PCDDBA’s relations with regional authori- ties and partners. During this workshop discussions about the possibility to establish a ICZM Regional Committee were initiated.