Bemahafaly RANDRIAMANANTSOA from WCS, participated to the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) and the 27th Gen- eral Meeting of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) in July 2012 in Australia thanks to travel grants from ISLANDS and United Nations Environment Programme. ICRS 2012 was a quadrennial meeting of the coral reef science community.
The scientific program showcased the latest in coral reef research and demonstrated how scientific knowledge contributes to the sustainable use of coral reefs. At ICRS Bemahafaly was se-
lected for an oral presentation entitled “From data to improved conservation: success sto- ries in Madagascar” during a mini-symposium called “Does monitoring lead to improved coral reef management?” A total of 50 dele- gates from 24 countries attended the 27th ICRI General Meeting and a full day was de- voted to the theme of Management Effective- ness Assessment for coral reefs and related systems. During this meeting Bemahafaly did a presentation focusing on the “evolution of coral reef conservation approaches in Mada- gascar.”