This solution addresses Overexploitation of marine resources; Lacking sense of ownership & legal recognition in Antongil Bay, northeast Madagascar for 100,000 people from 26 Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) in Antongil Bay.
Antongil Bay, northeast Madagascar
Overexploitation of marine resources; Lacking sense of ownership & legal recognition
Challenge Description
100,000 predominantly poor, rural people, rely on the rich waters of Antongil Bay to sustain their livelihoods. Overexploitation due to increasing human population, destructive fishing practices, and lack of compliance with fishing gear restrictions are driving degradation of coastal habitat and fisheries, plus loss of coral reefs and declines in fish and invertebrates.
100,000 people from 26 Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) in Antongil Bay.
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