Madagascar adopted SMART at national level in 2016
SMART is implemented in numerous terrestrial and marine protected areas in Madagascar,
including the 43 protected areas within the Madagascar National Parks network (2,339,420
hectares of terrestrial areas and 269,730 hectares of marine areas) and other protected
areas such as Makira Natural Park, Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor, and Marojejy-
Anjanaharibe Sud-Tsaratanàna Corridor (1.3 million hectares).
has contributed to the fight against illegal logging of precious woods
and to the reduction of this threat in the six parks of the Rainforests
of Atsinanana World Heritage Site.
SMART users, mainly park and community forest patrollers, including 78
community association members, 90 park agents, and 12 Focal Points, have
been trained since 2013.