
Entries for May 2012

Study Tour to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia

Views: 3646
(May 21, 2012) In May 2012, Bemahafaly Randriamanantsoa, WCS Madagascar Marine Operations Coordi- nator, along with other coral reef scientists and conservationists from the Western Indian Ocean, participated in a study tour to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) in Townsville (Queensland) in Aus- tralia, arranged by ISLANDS, a project of the Indian Ocean Commission financed by the European Union. The study tour to Australia provided significant benefits to the partici- pants thr...


Tahosoa and Soariake General Meetings

Views: 3408
(May 16, 2012) One of the biggest reef complexes in the world extends 458 km between An- droaka and Morombe in southwest Madagascar. Pressure on this seascape has increased dramatically in recent years with a continuing increase in the number of people living in the region, increasing market demand for marine products and climate change impacts. WCS’s overall objective in Toliara is to improve fisheries management and promote conservation measures that are essential for the survival o...