One of the biggest reef complexes in the world extends 458 km between An- droaka and Morombe in southwest Madagascar. Pressure on this seascape has increased dramatically in recent years with a continuing increase in the number of people living in the region, increasing market demand for marine products and climate change impacts. WCS’s overall objective in Toliara is to improve fisheries management and promote conservation measures that are essential for the survival of this ecosys- tem and ensure that the livelihoods of the village communities that depend on it are sustainable. We implemented community management of fisheries within the municipalities of Manombo and Saint Augustin, where we estab- lished 18 temporary closed marine re- serves, formalized through DINA and managed by local association Soariake in Manombo and the local association Ta- hosoa in Saint Augustin. In early 2012, these associations organized their an- nual general meetings with representa- tives of all villages, local authorities, private operators and other key stakeholders. These meetings are impor- tant since participants assess the func- tioning and progress during the past year and identify strategic orientation and an action plan for the following year. During the Tahosoa general meeting, discussions focused mainly on the need to improve the synergy among stakeholders in the area through an integrated coastal management ap- proach. It was decided that Saint Augustin municipality authorities will establish an integrated coastal manage- ment committee whose role and mission will be to ensure better coordination of development and conservation projects and initiatives in the Saint Augustin coastal zone. During the Soariake gen- eral meeting, discussions focused on activities to implement in 2012, and a plan to obtain definitive protection status for the Salary Bay Marine Pro- tected Area covering 45,084 ha of criti- cal marine habitats.